Friday, December 3, 2010

Winter's here

I'm cosying up to keep warm when it's below zero outside. I usually hate winters because the slippery ground is driving me mad. This is the time of the year when you have to be cautious to not fall - it ridiculous! Yet I love some of the things one can wear when there's ice everywhere.

Here're some of my Italian buys. The suede leather boots will probably become a mess in the snowy (meaning snow+salt on the streets) Ukrainian winter. But I could not resist the colour! So I'll just be cautious (yet again) and hope for the best with them.  

Anyway, the streets are looking pretty fairy-like at night. Can't wait until New Year...

Coat: Mango
Bag: Carpisa
Jeans: Topshop
Boots: Weinbrenner at Bata
Scarf: Tie Rack

How's the start of your winter?


Anna Pope said...

I'd take ice over rain any day! It's been mostly raining nonstop over here :P

Your outfit is completely adorable and so perfect for winter. I am loving the fluffy hood :)

ediot said...

hi darling. love them boots you got there
my winter has started off ok- but i wish i had some warmer location to look forward to going to..
hope youre having a good week dear

Kira Aderne said...

here the summer is just starting, but to be honest I prefer winter!

Ederrez said...

hi Hanna. i luv ur blog. mind if i can have ur email address?

Luthfi Darwis said...

HI!!!!! your blog is RULEEEZSSZSZSZS

if you don't mind, check mine on

okokokok? hihihi

Jenna Nolten said...

Beautiful pictures! The first one is soo classy.
I am from the blog but somehow did that one disappeared. I made a new one I hope you could be this sweet to follow me :)
xoxo Jenna

Kelly-Ann Maddox said...

I love the bag. It's the kind of thing I'm currently looking for.